- Adopted Sentence Risk Assessment Instrument (49 Pa.B. 5410, published 9/21/2019)
- Proposed Risk Assessment Instrument (49 Pa.B. 3718, published 7/20/2019)
- Proposed Risk Assessment Instrument (48 Pa.B. 6961, published 11/3/2018)
- Public Hearing Comments and Responses; Call for Proposals (48 Pa.B. 5445, published 9/1/2018)
- Proposed Risk Assessment Instrument (48 Pa.B. 2367, published 4/28/2018)
- Proposed Risk Assessment Instrument (47 Pa.B. 1999, published 4/8/2017)
- Preliminary Risk Assessment Instrument (45 Pa.B. 1751, published 4/11/2015)
2019 08 Testimony (49 PaB 3718)
- Dean Beer, Chief Public Defender Montgomery County
- Kevin Carrington
- Quinn Cozzens, Coalition to Abolish Death by Incarceration
- Michel Feingold
- Laurel Gift, Regional Vice President, PA Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
- Stewart J. Greenleaf, Sr. Retired Pennsylvania Senator
- John Gross, Director, Policy and Practice, Defenders Association of Philadelphia
- David Harrington, Youth Art and Self Empowerment Project
- Franya Hutchins, Epidemiologist
- Jeff Jones
- Reuben Jones, Executive Director, Frontline Dads
- Tianna Kalogerakis, President, Barristers Association of Philadelphia
- Hon. James Kenney, Mayor of Philadelphia
- Rick Krajewski, Community Organizer, Reclaim Philadelphia
- Mike Lee, Director, Governmental Affairs, Philadelphia District Attorneys Office
- My Le, Youth Arts and Self Empowerment Project
- Marie Norman
- AI Now Institute and NYU Law Center on Race, Inequality, and the Law
- J.B. Rubinovitz, Research Associate, MIT Media Lab
- Hannah Sassaman, Media Mobilizing Project
- Sonya B. Starr, Law Professor, University of Michigan
- Nyssa Taylor, ACLU of PA
- Mark Wilson, Chair, County Chief Adult Probation and Parole Officers Association of PA
- Troy Wilson, Esquire
2018 12 Testimony (48 PaB 6961)
- AI Now and Center on Race Inequality and the Law
- Holiday Adair
- Bend the Arc
- John Bergen, Associate Pastor, Germantown Mennonite Church
- Peter Bickel
- Lytia Brock
- Andrew Burgess
- Javeta Caldwell
- Margaret Carrow
- Martha Copithorne
- Michele Feingold
- Form Email (829 senders)
- Stephen Fuegi, Esq.
- Reggie Good
- David Harrington
- Mark Harris
- Lorraine Haw
- Rev. Gregory Holston
- Lawrence A. Kalikow, Esq.
- Diane Katz
- Jullian Kautzman
- Rep. Stephen Kinsey
- Greg Kochanski
- Clarise McCants
- Wasiullah Mohamed
- Evans Moore, Jr.
- Phillip Murray, Esq.
- No Name Provided
- Marie Norman
- PA Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
- PA Bar Association
- Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office
- Philadelphia Mayor’s Office
- Khalid Raheem
- David Rodovsky, Paul Messing, Jonathan Feinberg, Susan Lin, Esquires
- Hannah Sassaman
- Khamil Scantling
- Razakhan Shaheed
- Michael Skirpan, Ph.D.
- Anne Slater
- David Szymanowski
- Nyssa Taylor, ACLU of PA
- Terell Thomas
- Patricia Vickers
- Margaret Watts
- Grant Whythoff, Ph.D.
- Felicity Williams, Esq.
- Troy Wilson, Esq.
- Jess Wozniak, Ph.D.
2018 06 Testimony (48 PaB 2367)
- AI Now and NYU Law Center on Race, Inequity and the Law
- Ceatrice Beard
- Don Benn, Private Detective
- Rochelle Bilal, President, Guardian Civic League
- Black Political Empowerment Project, Greater Pittsburgh Coalition Against Violence and Corporate Equity and Inclusion Roundtable
- Alicia Bullock, Ph.D.
- Color of Change
- Thomas Fitzpatrick, Esq.
- Charles M. Gibb, Esq., The Barristers Association of Philadelphia
- Gus Grannan, Red Umbrella Alliance
- Petra K. Gross, Esq., PA Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
- Lance Hannon, Ph.D., Professor of Sociology and Criminology, Villanova University
- J. Jondhi Harrell, Center for Returning Citizens (1)
- J. Jondhi Harrell, Center for Returning Citizens (2)
- Michael J. Harrison, Deputy Chief, Bucks County Adult Probation
- Mark F. Houldin, Policy Director, Defenders Association of Pennsylvania
- Earl Hunte
- Lilly Irani, Ph.D., UC San Diego
- Nathaniel James
- Dorothy Johnson-Speight, Founder, Mothers in Charge
- Reuben Jones, Frontline Dads (1)
- Reuben Jones, Frontline Dads (2)
- Hon. James F. Kenny, Mayor, City of Philadelphia
- Kimberly Kin g
- Michael Lee, ADA and Director of Legislation and Governmental Affairs, and Oren Gur, Ph.D., Director of Research and Policy Advisor, Office of Philadelphia District Attorney
- Blake Lemoine, Sr., Software Engineer, Google
- Susan Lin, Esq., Philadelphia Bar Association
- Clarise McCants, Campaign Director, Color of Change
- PA Interbranch Commission for Gender, Racial, and Ethnic Fairness
- President Judges Committee of PA Conference of State Trial Judges
- Kyle Price
- Adrianna Rizzo
- Hannah Sassaman, Policy Director, Media Mobilizing Project
- Marni Snyder, Esq., Risk Assessment Task Force
- Nyssa Taylor, Criminal Justice Policy Counsel, ACLU of PA
- Troy Wilson, Esq.