A general overview of sentencing information including geographic, demographic and crime details.
Data Qualifiers
Data in these reports are based upon the information reported to the Commission on Sentencing by the county Courts of Common Pleas. The Commission relies upon the courts for the accuracy and completeness of the data.
Data are based on the most serious offense in a criminal incident. All sentence durations are reported in months.
For more information on the data presented, please click here.
Notes on Interactivity
Each dashboard is composed of several filters, which are placed to the left of each dashboard, and visuals that display the selected data.
Users can choose the information to display by selecting from the list of the data filters. When a selection is made in a filter, the display will update to show only data matching the filter selections.
In addition, each visual within the dashboard is fully interactive. When an element in a visual is selected through a mouse click, all other visuals will update to show data related to the currently selected category. Bar charts will display two bars – a lighter colored bar to indicate the results corresponding to the current filter selections and a darker bar to highlight the data corresponding to the current mouse-click.
Users can make multiple selections by holding the control (Ctrl) key.